How to Cut Down on Pool Maintenance Costs This Summer

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

There aren't a lot of people in Nevada County who own a pool. Those that do own pools know that pool maintenance can get expensive quickly. Pool maintenance doesn’t have to be an expensive annual chore. Rather than spending up to $700 on pool maintenance, you can cut costs by doing a lot of the work [...]

Saving Energy, Water, and Money Has Never Been Easier

Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

You know that 10 or 20 pounds that you just can’t seem to lose? You do the right thing — eat kale or log time on the StairMaster — but the weight clings. You feel powerless. It’s like that with our energy bills, too. Eighty-nine percent of us think we’re not using as much [...]

Saving for a Home: How Much Is Enough?

Categories: Buyer Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

It's easy to get caught up in credit scores when considering a home purchase. But as lenders continue to loosen requirements, the need to have money in the bank doesn't get any less acute. Getting prescriptive about how much you need in savings to satisfy a mortgage lender is tough business. The answer can [...]

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