Austin Prout
REALTOR® Lic# 02075764
- (530) 559-2255
- (530) 273-7293
- Click to Email
- 167 South Auburn Street167 S. Auburn St., Grass Valley, CA 95945 Grass Valley, CA 95945
About Austin Prout
Austin is an advocate for financial freedom. With his MBA background and an elevated interest in business, Austin has dedicated himself to finding the best home for his clients ensuring their new home is a blessing and not a curse. “I want to help others discover the reality of their dream home in a financially sound way.”
Austin is an avid Disc Golf player and loves tossing a few discs at Condon Park in his down time. You can also find him hiking the many trails found around Nevada County with his dog Camper and jumping into his favorite swimming hole at the Yuba River.
Austin will be working out of the Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty office in Grass Valley as a full-time REALTOR®. He may be contacted by email at austinproutrealtor@gmail.com or by phone at (530) 559–2255.