Mandee Tatro
REALTOR® LIC# 02036271
- (310) 266-1815
- (530) 268-1575
- Click to Email
- 10193 Combie Rd Auburn, CA 95602
About Mandee Tatro
An experienced sales professional, Mandee Tatro is customer focused, listening closely and understanding client needs in order to deliver impressive results. Her family has been in Auburn for over 25 years owning over 60 acres of land, and a background of race horsing and horse breeding.
Mandee is extremely personable and highly responsive. She also is known for her problem solving ability and determination. “I have no problem making calls, knocking on doors or canvassing areas to find the right home for a buyer,” she says.
Mandee’s background in sales, negotiation and entrepreneurship provides an advantage to her clients. She worked as a marketing executive in outside sales and spent nearly five years in the precious metals industry (gold, silver and platinum) on a trading floor, where she sold multi-millions of dollars in metals.
Through her marketing work Mandee knows the community very well, especially the area schools, organizations and businesses.