Sue Mayfield
REALTOR® LIC# 02094852
- (916) 718-6276
- (530) 432-1131
- Click to Email
- 11364 Pleasant Valley Drive Penn Valley CA 95946
About Sue Mayfield
Sue Mayfield serves her clients in the Nevada County real estate industry after years of living and working in the corporate business world. Her prior professional career experience as an Accountant and Internal Auditor with nationally recognized public companies serves her clients well in navigating the California real estate market.
Sue is a certified Pricing Strategy Advisor (PSA) with the National Association of Realtors, and provides vital information to her clients when pricing their homes for sale or preparing to make offers on homes. Sue has a keen eye for detail and investigative precision much to her clients’ benefits. She works arduously to ensure the highest degree of honesty, integrity and ethics are delivered to her clients. Sue’s passion for real estate resides in the prospect of helping families find their dream homes.
Sue currently serves on the Board of United Way of Nevada County (UWNC) where she is actively involved in community programs. Sue is proud to be a part of United Way’s mission here in the Gold Country, and to see how many great programs there are for community members. “I am humbled to to do my part in making Nevada County a thriving area for all my neighbors.”–Sue Mayfield.
Sue lives in Penn Valley, CA with her husband and two children. She graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a B.S. in Psychology and more recently obtained an MBA from Metropolitan State University in Minnesota. Sue and her family enjoy the outdoors, especially camping and exploring the natural beauty found here in California. Sue has a profound affection for the Nevada County area including the breathtaking mountain vistas and the natural wildlife. “I love the real estate field, because it is all about helping my fellow neighbors or new to the area residents find or sell their home, not a just a house or a farm, but a real home for them and their family.”–Sue Mayfield.
Sue can assist with a variety of real estate needs: from finding a starter home or a luxury dream home to selling your home or the home of a loved one, or even finding suitable housing for those with environmental sensitivities.
Sue can be contacted at 916-718-6276, emailed at suemayfieldhomes@gmail.com, or by stopping by the Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty Penn Valley office at 11364 Pleasant Valley Rd in Penn Valley.