12 Ways to Challenge a Home Appraisal

Categories: Buyer Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

In real estate, there are several circumstances when your entire transaction hangs in the balance, based on the results of an appraisal: When you are buying a home, you need the appraisal of the home you are buying to match or be higher than the price you have contracted. Conversely, when you are selling [...]

Increase Your Chances of a High Appraisal

Categories: Seller Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Many homeowners choose to get their properties appraised before selling a home. Having an appraisal can help sellers determine how to price their homes to avoid asking for too much or too little. Appraisers examine a variety of factors when valuing a home, including market conditions, the surrounding neighborhood and the home itself. So [...]

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