Nevada County, CA Real Estate
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Current Nevada County, CA real estate market statistics
Nevada County real estate statistics over the last 9 months have shown an overall increase/decrease in the number of units for sale. The average price of a home for sale is in the mid to upper $700,000 to lower $800,000 range. The average sold price of a home is in the $600,000. The average days on market is around 50 days but much less for lower priced homes. Lower priced homes for sale are typically on the market for only a few days and some getting multiple offers over the list price.
The Heart of California’s Gold Country… In the Sierra Foothills… Is Beautiful Nevada County
Grass Valley and Nevada City are the central activity points for the Nevada County California area. The cities adjoin each other and are easily accessible from Highway 49. You can search ALL Nevada County Real Estate and Homes For Sale in Grass Valley and Homes For Sale in Nevada City.
Nevada County REALTORS® –
Sierra Player
REALTOR® Lic# 02054990
- (530) 604-9319
- (530) 273-7293
- Click to Email
- Grass Valley Office