5 Things to Know About Installing a Patio Door

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

As the gateway to your home’s outdoor living space, patio doors provide beautiful, stylish transitions between your home and landscape. Choosing and installing a patio door is no simple task, but these five pointers can help any homeowner complete the process successfully. 1. Choose a style that fits your home Patio doors come in [...]

The 5 Spring Cleaning Trends that Go Way Beyond Clean

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

If you’re among the 68 percent of adults, as reported by OnePoll, who feel daunted and uninspired about the prospect of spring cleaning, you may want to consider the positive mental aspects of meeting the task head-on. Psychology Today reports on the negative impact clutter can have on our mind and bodies, and the long-term [...]

5 Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for the Spring Real Estate Market

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Even though it’s the middle of the winter season, before you know it, spring will be here. Historically in Nevada County real estate markets, the spring is when it really begins to heat up. The spring real estate market generally yields the highest prices for those selling their home. This is only possible though [...]

Disclosaphobia? 5 Tips for Completing a Seller’s Disclosure

Categories: Seller Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

The dreaded seller’s disclosure – it’s that pesky document that asks you umpteen questions. How many ceiling fans are in the property, what’s the make and model of each appliance, how old is the roof, A/C system and so forth. Really? Do you have to answer these questions and all of them? Well if [...]

How to Make the Choice Between Two Homes

Categories: Buyer Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Finding the right house in Nevada County is an unmatched feeling that many buyers fear they will never feel. When it does finally happen after searching for a few weeks or perhaps even months it is enough to make your heart sing! As you walk from room to room you may imagine moving in [...]

Stage Your Home for the Millennial Buyer

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In 2015, real estate sales sharply shifted toward the Millennial buyer and there are many ways sellers in Nevada County can prepare their home to attract this buyer. Here are ten things Millennials look for, and how to implement them in your home. In 2015, real estate sales sharply shifted toward the Millennial buyer. [...]

11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Moving Company

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I know, you were thinking you would just Google “moving company.” Sure, you will find a zillion moving companies, but are you ready to handover your prized possessions into any stranger’s hands? So, how do you choose the mover you can trust? Here are some handy tips on what to look for when hiring [...]

Best Practices for Homebuyers at a Real Estate Open House

Categories: Seller Resource|Tags: , , , , , |

Open houses are the gold standard in real estate. They've been around for decades and will be ingrained in the buying and selling of homes for years to come. But as a buyer, are you making the most of your open house visits? Here are some best practices for buyers at all ends of the [...]

Kitchen Remodeling: 14 Ways to Take Thousands Off the Cost

Categories: Home Improvement, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

We always hear that remodeling a kitchen is one of the most expensive home improvements. And it can be. The Remodeling 2014 Cost vs. Value Report listed the average cost of a major kitchen remodel at $54,909, and even a minor remodel came in at $18,856. But kitchen remodeling doesn't have to be that [...]

Don’t Let Winter Put a Chill on Your Home Sale

Categories: Seller Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

While spring is traditionally thought to be the prime season for home buying, people buy and sell homes throughout the year. The need to relocate for a new career, health reasons, or the urge for new life experiences can happen at any time. Selling a home can be stressful. Add in harsh weather conditions [...]

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