As we all know, we are living in uncertain times. We’re ready for the COVID-19 pandemic to be over, but unfortunately the virus isn’t done, so we’ve buckled down and resigned to keep plugging along safely and adapting to our new normal. One look at the news can be overwhelming, however, we can find strength knowing we are all in this together. One thing that is always certain: love and kindness always wins.

How do we help one another? Do something loving? Something kind? We want to make a difference, to help; but, it’s hard to know how to make an impact. The bright, good news is just one single action, one single click of a button, one single donation, can make a difference in your community.

One meaningful way to help is to give business to people and organizations with a heart. A great example is Coldwell Banker’s new partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a place so many kids call home while they fight cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Agents participating in the CB Supports St. Jude program make a donation for every home sale or purchase they complete. So, if you are looking for a new home, this is a way to give back — a home purchase with a purpose!

Another way to make an impact is to give to your local food bank. Food banks across our country are beyond overstretched right now. The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in many more families in need, and sky-rocketing unplanned expenses for food banks. We’ve all seen the heartbreaking news coverage of the long lines of families in their cars waiting patiently for a box of food.This year putting food on tables has even more meaning. With many schools teaching remotely, having access to nutritious meals at home is critical. Physical and mental health are truly essential. A hungry child and a stressed parent are not a recipe for success. We must make sure everyone’s children are well fed so all children’s minds can focus on their schoolwork.

The future is uncertain; but, there is something simple to do to make a big difference. A simple act of kindness. AND, when you’re telling 2020 pandemic stories to future generations, when COVID-19 is a distant memory, not only will you talk about the masks, the TP shortage, the social distancing, the virtual school and meetings, you’ll talk about the simple acts of COVID kindness. The beautiful simple kind acts that proved we are strong, we are better together, we can tackle anything. When we work together as a community, we can make sure our neighbors are taken care of.  Together, we can truly make an impact.

Looking to buy or sell in the Nevada County area? Give a Coldwell Banker agent a call today!