Seasonal Allergies- Seven Plants to Be Aware of as the Seasons Change

Categories: Community, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

As the seasons change in Nevada County, you should be enjoying the changing weather and scenery that come with the time of year. Unfortunately, during the spring and fall months in particular, millions of Americans are faced with a myriad of health problems that are brought on by the same culprits responsible for the seasonal [...]

How Much House Can You Afford?

Categories: Buyer Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

HOUSE POOR [adjective | hous – poo·r] A person who can afford his or her home mortgage payments, but can’t afford much of anything else. Discretionary spending on restaurants, furnishings, travel and clothes are severely cut back, due to a large proportion of his or her income going towards the mortgage payments, upkeep costs, and [...]

Pets for Adoption October 2018

Categories: Pets, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

At Coldwell Banker, we strongly believe that pets help make a house a home. As demonstrated by our latest campaign, we also believe in adopting your next best friend from a local shelter. You may not know this, but Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty works with local animal shelters to promote pets that are available for [...]

10 Home Decor Accessories Worth Buying for Fall and Beyond

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Tweaking your decor each season can be a great way to keep your Nevada County home feeling current and satisfy your urge to nest, without blowing your budget on big-ticket items. The problem? Each year retailers roll out tons of new seasonally inspired decor that begs to be brought home — and loading up on [...]

Smart Home Technology is the Future

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Today’s smartphones go a tremendously long way in making some of life’s responsibilities easier to manage. Their ability to interact with home automation tools has contributed significantly to the rise of Smart Home technology. By making the move to this increasingly innovative tech, homeowners can reap significant benefits. It’s not unusual to come across listings [...]

Four Home Improvement Musts for Early Fall

Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

When it’s summertime, homeowners are usually too distracted by the lure of beaches and festivals to focus on home improvement projects. By the time the fall season arrives, there’s usually a long list of things that you want to do at your home. The pressure to fix up your house can be overwhelming, so start [...]

August 2018 Tops

Categories: Company Culture, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Congratulations to our tops for August 2018!  Our top selling agents are Craig Adachi and Tom Myers, our top listing agents are Charlie Brock and Amber Thompson, and Charlie Brock is our top producing agent. The Bulanti's are our top producing, selling, and listing couple. The Congdon Group is our top selling group. Thank you all for your hard [...]

Decorating with Books in Your Home

Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Decorating with books is a fun way to incorporate your love of reading into your home. If you’re a bibliophile and can’t get enough of all things literary, you probably have a large collection of books to display. Rather than storing boxes of previously-read books in your basement, you can use them as decorative accents. [...]

Moving a Closet: Pack and Unpack in Three Stages

Categories: Buyer Resource, Seller Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

We all know your closet is miraculous because it holds everything you ever bought. But, that miracle is turning into a horror story. You’re about to move. Do you really want to move everything in that closet? Think go-go boots, prom dress and sequin leggings. Items you haven't worn (or used) in years. This is [...]

Do You Have This Common Household Product in Your Cleaning Arsenal?

Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Did you know Hydrogen Peroxide has magical cleaning powers? Well, OK, maybe not magic but it is a pretty awesome green product to have handy around the house. Here are some great ways to use it to get your home nice and clean. Be sure you are using the  3% solution. Whiten Grout Cleaning grout [...]

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