Congrats to Our January Tops!

Categories: Company Culture, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Every month we like to take some time out to congratulate our tops of the previous month. We have three categories: producers, sellers, and listers. The top producers are those individuals and teams that have brought the most money into the company, the top sellers are those who have sold the most units, and the [...]

Tricks to a Sparkling Clean Kitchen

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

The holidays are over. Decorations are packed away for the next 11 months and you start the deep cleaning process of all action-packed rooms. Your kitchen probably saw the majority of the action during the holidays. How that splatter of mashed sweet potatoes got on the ceiling is anyone’s guess. But that mess just means [...]

Seven Surprising Homegoods You Can Paint for an Instant Room Refresh

Categories: Home Improvement, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

Nevada County winters can get dreary. It's cold, wet, and the last thing you want to do is go outside. When you are stuck inside for so long, you start to notice things. Like how banged-up your heater looks, or how “blah” your living room decor seems. Winter is the perfect time for these kinds of [...]

How to Decode the Confusing Aspects of a Homeowners Policy

Categories: Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Insuring a house is a must for any homeowner. It helps protect you from the potential problems that come with owning a home. However, guaranteeing that your home is protected against every possible risk can be difficult, particularly for property owners who don’t properly evaluate their homeowners coverage. Let’s be honest — your home insurance policy can be confusing. [...]

Eight Ways to Organize Your Kitchen

Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Kitchen's are the heart of any Nevada County home. However, the kitchen is one of the most difficult places in the home to keep clean and organized. It's high action do-everything-in-one-space kind of place. Not only is it a gathering spot, it's also one of the harder spots to organize. Between your dishes, utensils and [...]

Five Easy Ways to Keep Your Carpet Clean

Categories: Home Improvement, Seller Resource, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Carpets make your home feel welcoming and cozy. They especially come as a relief from cold tile, wood, or linoleum. But carpets also take a lot of abuse from day-to-day life. From entry ways to well tread paths through rooms, carpets can show wear and tear quickly. Because they take a beating, we researched five [...]

Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty Welcomes Steve and Colleen Trotter

Categories: Company Culture, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

All of us here at Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty (CBGRR) are excited to welcome Steve and Colleen Trotter to our Penn Valley office! “Discover the Trotter Difference” has been their moto for the past 12 years in the real estate industry. They are happy to help buyers, sellers and investors find what they are [...]

Nevada County Communities-Lake of the Pines

Categories: Community, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Welcome back to the Nevada County Communities series! Last time we told you about Alta Sierra and what it had to offer. This time, we'll be discussing another community called Lake of the Pines (LOP). Located close to the Nevada County and Placer County line, Lake of the Pines is a gated community approximately 10 [...]

Contest Time-Bear Yuba Land Trust Membership

Categories: Community, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

It’s time for a contest! How would you like to win a one-year gift membership for the Bear Yuba Land Trust (BYLT)?  All you have to do is go on our Facebook page and share this post for an opportunity to win! See the details below!   The BYLT strives to create a balance between nature and the people who live amongst it. They are committed to [...]

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